Marvel celebrates a decade of its cinematic universe this year, and as a special treat for Singapore fans, it has created an exhibition called “Ten Years of Heroes”.

Its superhero movies have been immensely popular in Singapore, with its latest blockbuster “Avengers: Infinity War” breaking all sorts of records at the local box office.

The exhibition is set to open to the public on Saturday (June 9) at the ArtScience Museum and will run until end September.

I went for a sneak preview and here’s what I saw and did.

“Ten Years of Heroes” really is a dream come true for Marvel fans, with almost every major character getting his or her own spotlight. 

There are ten sections in total to explore and there are plenty of interactive activities to try out throughout the exhibition.

At the entrance, visitors are greeted by a gallery of every Marvel movie so far, including some upcoming ones. They are all presented with unique animations to make the posters come alive.

The first superhero to be featured is arguably the most famous one in the Marvel Universe: Tony Stark a.k.a. Iron Man. 

In his section, there is not only a huge statue of Iron Man but another life-sized model showcasing every suit of armour Tony Stark has built.

Next up is the First Avenger himself, Captain America. You can view all the shields that he has used in the movies and learn more about each of them.

Following that is Thor, the Norse god turned superhero. The entrance is a mock-up of the Bifrost, the magic rainbow bridge that allows Asgardians to travel to and fro the Nine Realms.

Inside the room, you will find Thor and Hulk fighting like in “Thor: Ragnarok”, and Mjolnir even makes an appearance!

Unfortunately, you can’t lift Thor’s hammer, which I thought was something that fans would have enjoyed trying to do.

Guardians of the Galaxy is up next and their section features the ship of Yondu, with Rocket Raccoon and Baby Groot making appearances.

There are also digital screens where visitors can interact and dance with Baby Groot, which should be a hit for fans of the cute creature. 

You can also listen to the entire soundtrack of the “Guardians of the Galaxy” on a cassette player. 

Doctor Strange is next, and as you enter, you can see the Mirror Dimension’s version of Singapore, with popular local landmarks like Marina Bay Sands portrayed.

Like the Guardians segment, there are screens that you can interact with so feel free to “bend reality” or “create a portal”.

This year’s sleeper hit, “Black Panther”, also gets a section where you can learn more about what went into the creation of the costumes for the movie; and see a pretty cool statue of the titular superhero.

The smallest characters in Marvel’s ensemble of superheroes (at least when they want to be), Ant-Man and The Wasp, are presented in perhaps the most novel way – you will not notice their tiny figurines on top of the poster of their upcoming film until you view them through a magnifying glass.

The laboratory of Hank Pym can also be explored, although everything has been enlarged so you might feel like an ant walking through it.

No cinematic universe is complete without an overarching villain; and the Avengers’ nemesis, Thanos, is the found in the final section of the exhibition. You will find detailed explanations of the Infinity Stones, as well as a replica of the gauntlet itself there.

Before you exit “Ten Years of Heroes”, you will pass an interactive screen which transforms you into a random Avenger with a specially created animation. 

Don’t miss the merchandise store as well where a photo opportunity with all the actors from the Marvel Cinematic Universe awaits.

Marvel’s “Ten Years of Heroes” is truly Marvel-ous, whether you are a casual fan or superhero fanatic.

It’s one thing watching these guys fight on the big screen but getting up close and personal to interact and learn more about each of them made this exhibition worth visiting.

Can you name all the Avengers in this picture correctly?

Source: Business Insider

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