It must be quite some experience to be the daughter of a President. That's as close to being a princess in a democratic government.
Think of all the perks, and privileges that go with being a member of the first family. It must be the stuff of dreams and fairy tales.
Living in such rarefied air does have a downside- there is a great tendency to lose the sense of reality. You get pulled into the Matrix and live in a system where it is more smoke and mirrors than anything else.
There is a strong temptation to classify Zahra Buhari (now Mrs Indimi) as a resident of the 1% Matrix. On April 30, 2018, she posted a photo of her father, President Buhari in a meeting with what seems to be white men of importance. The President is pictured talking while the gentlemen are listening with rapt attention.
The eye-rolling caption beneath the photo goes thus: "They say a picture speaks a thousand words. #speechless #shook #proud #Nigeria". The caption on the photo comically reads "Change: World Now Listens When Nigeria Speaks" Woah, slow down there princess.
This Instagram-daddy-loving post is coming off the heels of the President's visit to the White House. Objectively, it was a meeting that went well as the President did not throw the nation (or the lazy youths) under the bus in front of Donald Trump and the world.
President Muhammadu Buhari and President Donald Trump at a bilateral meeting in the White House on Monday, April 30, 2018(Bayo Omoboriowo/Presidency)
Daughters adore their fathers and would do anything for them. This particular Instagram, however, comes off the wrong way. It comes off as nauseating to everyday Nigerians.
First of all, this is not the change Nigerians voted for. Far from it. If Nigerians wanted to make the world listen to them, we would have paid for the visas of Wizkid's band to perform at Coachella in America.

Nigerians voted for Buhari to deal with corruption, make their lives better and make them safer. Three years after we are still stuck in the same mess. Boko Haram is still kidnapping girls, the minimum wage is stuck at an abysmal level and recently the US said there is massive corruption under your father's regime.
The Change slogan your father ran with is a catfish- deception of the grandest order.

The APC Change poster during the 2015 elections (Africa Check)
Secondly, President Buhari has developed the habit of speaking to foreigners about the country but remains silent when Nigerians want to hear from him. However, when he leaves the shores of this country, we see him in more videos on the Internet than Igwe 2pac. We want him to talk to us and not foreigners.
This photo is out of touch. Nigeria's standing hasn't improved greatly. The lives of everyday Nigerians are still the same since this government came into power.
Zahra Buhari maybe you should be more like your mum who occasionally speaks truth to power. She understands that service to the nation is greater than any service.
Source: The Pulse
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