I wish somebody would have told me that someday these would be the good 'ol days. All those crazy nights out with friends and all those other crazy memories. It would be from these, we teach our kids and they learn from our mistakes and recklessness.
My bestie, Shantelle decided she wanted to visit a guy she met on Facebook, Fred and I foolishly tagged along.
Don't ask me what was I thinking.
Cos I wasn't at the time.
I was Young, Dumb and Free.
Sue me!
Anyway, neither of us were good with directions soo it wasn't a surprise that we both got lost and had to call her friend to pick us up.
After all the pleasantries, we were hungry so they took us to a restaurant to eat. We still had some time to kill before we got the next bus back home.
We went to a park, had ice cream just lazied about but when it was time to leave that's when things got crazy. Fred decided to drop us at the bus stop, after 2 hours of driving and we still haven't gotten there.
I started to freak out when I realised that he has been driving the same route over and over but since we all were either gisting or singing along with his playlist we didn't notice. I texted Shantelle who sat in the front seat. She responded with a scared freaked out emoji. 😲😲😲

Even till this day, I still wonder how she thought an emoji would help? 😩😩😩
I was just too young and pretty to die or worst still used for Ritual. I told the guy driving that I needed to change my tampons but I knew if I said I needed to use the restroom it wouldn't sound urgent.
We stopped at a gas station and Fred decided to top up his fuel tank so we left himand hus friend at the car. Meanwhile Shantelle followed me to the restroom but instead we ran out through the back Exit. A lot of bush around but we didn't care, we just Ran.
My friend was trying to construct an escape plan but that only served to distract me. I also knew that you spend more energy when you speak and run so I told her to "SHUT UP & RUN" After about 30 mins we started to hear shouts and car screeching followed by footsteps and I said my prayers.
Shantelle on the other hand didn't look soo good, she was sweating and panting. *Next time I tell her to follow me to the gym she might listen* It was getting late and kinda hard to see. We stopped at a tree to rest but that was our undoing cos the two guys we ran from were in front of us and they brought company.
They looked soo upset and It felt like they might pop a few veins, which made me cringe. We followed them back to the car and they drove us to their house not listening to our threats.
Shantelle went with her "Facebook friend" more like Kidnapper/ Psychopath. I was tired when his friend took me to the adjourning room, well he practically carried me then locked the door after dumping me on the bed.
I had watched too many movies to know exactly what happens next.
I saw a pen at a bedside then ran to grab it. I threatened him that I would stab him if he got close. And I keep good on my promises!
He laughed and said "A pretty-little thing like you wouldn’t want to go to jail"
I responded "I wouldn’t cos it would be ruled as self defence"
Well that remark wiped the smirk right off his stupid face and pissed him off too.
Let me just say no one got raped that night but I had a hot bath and clean sheets while he slept on the sofa.
The next morning after making sure my friend was fine. They took us to the bus station when they realised our friends and parents wouldn’t stop calling and even threatened to call out a search party if they didn't hear from us in the next hour.
Trust me when an overprotective Military Dad says he will call a search party, you best believe it...
*Picture the movie RED...Retired-Extremely-Dangerous. So now you get my drift...
That was the day I declared never to go on an adventure with Shantelle but I never listen sooo...
Let's just say what happens next is far worse than this ...
To be Continued ...
Yours Truly
Joey D damsel
I wonder who these gurls are and they sure are crazy.
ReplyDeleteReal crazy experience.
ReplyDeleteLolzzz.. The girl were pretty lucky.. Not everyone loved long enough to recall such event..