I have learnt a lot from my previous relationships but nothing could better explain the "Circle of Relationships" like Tyler Perry- Madea's powerful words of advice

If someone wants to walk out of your life... LET THEM GO especially when you have done your best, You have put in your Time, your Energy and have been the best person you could possibly be.

They say "You don't know what you have till you loose it" and when they realise they made a mistake it would be too late for them to come back running to you.

When you reminisce three, four years back about some relationships you cried about you would think 'What on earth did I see in you?' 'I must have been on some real good Crack'

Some people come into your life for a lifetime while some come in for a season, You have to realise which is which... and you will mess them up when you mix up the seasonal people with the lifetime expectations.

You realise your life has turned to SHIT, you are never happy and you wonder why you never have peace.

She classified people that come into her life in the category of a Tree...

Some people are like Leaves on a Tree. When the wind blows they move, always unstable. Season changes they wither and die off. Most people in the world are only there to take from the Tree never adding value.

Some people are like a Branch on a Tree, they make you think they are good friends - strong and reliable but when you step on them they break off and leave you high and dry.

But these are very rare, the Roots, if you find some people who are like the Roots of a tree then you are truly blessed cos they are not going anywhere. They are not worried about being seen, they are not worried about what people will say or about what they doing for you.

You can have a million branches but without the Roots, the Tree can't live. So if you have some Roots in your life hold on to them and the rest you LET THEM GO.

After reading these, I scrolled through my contact list and differentiated the Roots from the Leaves and the Branches.

I also realised that I couldn't remember the last time I was single. I always had a boyfriend at every point in time, someone to cling onto, which I didn't need. They were always there to TAKE, TAKE, TAKE never giving back. They take your Money, waste your Time, your Energy and use your Body.

I said NO MORE... I broke up with my boyfriend and concentrated of fixing Me because two bad yokes make a bad Omelette, One bad egg and one good egg still makes a smelly Omelette.
You get where this is going?

Society makes us think that we are cursed if we are Single, that a girl has to be married at a particular age or you are 'Old Goods'. We need to learn the 'Act of Singleness' cos no matter how many people you date and you haven't work on yourself, then am sorry to say this but that new 'Relationship is Doomed'.

People praying 'Where is my Man?' 'Lord, Help me find my Prince Charming'... Girl, Shut the Hell Up and Wait !!! If you don't know how to be by yourself what you gonna do with somebody else?

The Philosophy of Life... When you want something does not necessarily mean it will come that particular time.... Nope but it happens at the Right Time not at Your Time.

You should never go into a Marriage thinking if it doesn't work out... well there is always the option of Divorce. You won't believe the Crazy things people put up with just to be in a Relationship!!!

For example, He beats the living day lights out of you and you still there? For Real !!! You ain't reported him? or filed a Restraining Order?

I rather be by myself Happy than be with someone else that will make me Miserable for the rest of my Life.

Yours Truly,
Joey D damsel