Obviously Prince Harry and Meghan Markle didn't invite Donald Trump to the Royal Wedding. They want to actually have a good time.

Considering the damage our incomPOTUS has done to the "special relationship"we're not even sure he's allowed to attend U.K. events…

But even so the President is sending a gift. (Though frankly the image of him gritting his teeth and sending a gift after being slighted on the international stage is really its own gift.)

White House spokesperson Lindsay Walters confirmed to Us Weekly:

"President Donald Trump and First Lady Melania Trump will be making a contribution to one of the seven charities the royal couple has designated in lieu of gifts."

At least that's a gift the Trumps can't screw up — unless of course they skimmed a bit off the top for expenses incurred.

BTW, if YOU want to donate to charity in the Royal couple's names, the organizations they've listed are Chiva Projects, Corporal Scotty, Crisis, Myna Mahila, Surfers Against Sewage, Street Games, and Wilderness U.K

Source: Perez Hilton

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