Dear Future Husband,
Am not trying to be selective but please when you do come kindly check all these boxes ...
If you want to be that Special One for me and I will be the best Wife ever.
1. He must be Fair
2. He must be God Fearing
3. He must be Romantic
4. He must have 6- Packs
5. He must Love me Unconditionally
6. He must also Love my Flaws
7. He must be Rich
8. He must have a Big Hammer 😉😉😉
9. He must buy my family members a Car
10. He must be a Great Cook
11. He must be open to Change
12. He must take me on Dates
13. He must tell me am beautiful even if I look Fat
14. He must treat me like a lady even when am acting Crazy
15. He must be Intelligent
16. He must be Brave and witty
17. He must buy me presents not just because it's my birthday or because of an anniversary but because today is Tuesday and he just wants to see the smile on my face when he gives me.
Ridiculous Right?
If a man also makes the same list, will you be able to check half of these boxes?
Be Sincere!
Sorry, I didn’t quite catch that!
Did you notice anything in this list?
How every item there is all Material and Physical stuff. What happened to the Spiritual part of finding a husband?
Oh my bad!
He must be God Fearing... Just one...
Instead of writing a list why don't you just pray about it and in the main time be your own woman.
I realised most women only want to get married for that Protection and Comfort. God can be both for you.
He is the man of the house so he gets to Hustle while I go shopping for some fine China or to the Mall for some Designer clothes.
When you begin to pursue your Dreams, and the right man comes you will be much more Confident and would be a Help Mate 'Gen 2:18' as God has destined you to be and not a Leech.
Am soo sorry if I hurt your feelings but the truth should never be Flavoured.
Yours Truly
Joey D damsel
We're imperfect. We can't seek for perfect people; just those that complete us