1.Rick Genest

Better known as Skullboy, or Zombie Boy, Rick Genest is a famous actor, musician and fashion model from Montreal, Canada. He used to be an ordinary man years ago, before something really extraordinary happened in his life: he was diagnosed with brain cancer. And though everything ended up well eventually, the six months on the waiting list before the surgery must have had quite s serious effect on Rick’s perception of the world.

It was about that time when he decided to change his cosy home for rooftops and dumpsters, he started living under the bridges and using hitchhiking as his main transportation means. And it was then that he started tattooing himself. His tattoos are not random, they are intended to look like a real skeleton. Although this may look scary for someone, his unusual body print has actually help him build a stunning career: he is always a desired guest at different fashion shows, music videos and even movies.

2. Julia Gnuse

Julia Gnuse, known worldwide as The Illustrated Lady, is the most tattooed woman in the world: 95 percent of her body is covered with the colorful portraits of her famous actors, musicians and even cartoon characters. Originally it was not really Julia’s choice to cover all her body, including the face, with numerous tattoos, she was forced to do so by the circumstances. When she was 35 she was diagnosed with an unusual and very cruel illness, porphyria: her skin painfully suffered from the sunlight, was all covered in blisters which then turned into huge scars.

And it was not just sunlight, Julia became allergic to everything, including most fabrics, so literally new scars emerged on her skin all the time. At first Julia was ashamed of how she looked and hadn’t left home for some time, but later she understood that there was a way out, her life could return to normal, she just need something to cover the scars with. And then it all began. Now Julia has over 400 tattoos. Her illness is not gone, but she can expose herself to the sun and is no more ashamed of her appearance.

3. Lucky Diamond Rich

Gregory Paul Mclaren, who was born in New Zealand, famous under the nickname Lucky Diamond Rich, is doubtlessly the world’s most tattooed man. His entire body, including the insides of his ears, is covered with tattoos. His eyelids are not an exception. His addiction for painting own body started when he was young. At first he used to have colorful images of different designs covering his skin, but for some reason he was not satisfied with the first attempts and later had his entire body covered with black ink.

And yet that was not the end: he keeps having white tattooes on top of the black one, colored on top of white. The process seems endless. Gregory himself claims this addiction has already taken him more than 1000 hours, and he hardly intends to stop this some day, he must really love the process. Lucky Diamond Rich earns money mostly by street performances, but he is also capable of swallowing swards, juggling on the unicycle and the rest of weird stuff only such freaks as himself can make living with.

4. Tom Leppard

Known as the Leopard Man ( and one can clearly see why), Tom Leppard has quite an unusual biography. First of all it is not so easy to believe that this weird and still funny looking man with the leopard pattern all over his body is now 78 and that he was a soldier of the British army. Another unusual fact that makes him different from who we consider normal people is that he had lived on a remote island somewhere in Scotland for over 20 years.

His home was a small hut without electricity; to be able to survive he had to go shopping to the big land at least one a week and the only means of transport available there was a canoe. Although he later was forced to move to the more civilized place, Tom still seems to have some special bind with the nature: he will hardly feel uncomfortable in some faraway jungles surrounded by wild animals.

5. Erik Sprague

Image result for Erik Sprague full photo

Believe it or not,Erik Spraque, The Lizardman, holds a Bachelor of Arts degree in philosophy. He alsoused to apply for PhD years back, before he became what he is now. It is hard to say how he came to the conclusion that he wanted to modify his body like this, it is also not clear why it is exactly a lizard he has been trying to imitate ever since.

Not only did he tattoo himself with green images that make him look like definitely not the prettiest among animals, but he went far ahead: Erik had his teeth sharpened, his tongue split and, the rumor has it, even tried to have a real tail transplant. His last idea failed though, as the contemporary medicine is not capable of transformations like this. Still he hardly needs to worry that the effect of his appearance is not sufficient: he looks really scary

Source: Fun Rumour

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