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" I don't wanna have to but if I want to, I should get to"

I took him by storm
I could see I had that impact on him
He couldn't resist no matter how hard he tried
He approaches me, we meet up and things click
He is nice though, I have to reason to worry

I know he watches from afar but he thinks I don't notice
Hard not to!
I should be scared but am not. It's such a thrill
Like a fan or the paparazzi...
Then he says if I can't have you no one else can

Creepy! I think

Suddenly I don't feel safe, His gotten out of control
Follows me everywhere, I feel am being watched.
I can never see him, He knows my routine
I lock my doors, turn off the light even sleep with a knife
I can't sleep I hear a creek or might be a voice or the trees
Can't figure it out

Am loosing it

I decide to face him and not cower
I hurt him too many times in my dreams
I don't want to have to kill you but you leave me no choice.
Am not suicidal but you bring out the worst in me...

It begins with me luring him in, only to slip a little pill in his drink or I could just chain him up

I think he is onto me, no where to hide
I need help, Save me... Please

I jolt awake with beads of sweat on me
Only a Dream... More like a Nightmare

Yours Truly
Joey D damsel

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