The problems we face in Nigeria, Electricity being one of them. It is not steady, very very unreliable, the bills at the end of the month is ridiculous considering the bill doesn't account to the few hours of electricity given for that month.

Every newly elected President or Governor that comes into office promises to fix the problem but things just keep getting worse, so the question is
What are they really doing to improve the Electricity in this country?

Take for example, Port- Harcourt, Rivers State has not had any light whatsoever for the past 3 days, most communities longer than 2 weeks, What is Governor Wike doing?
Not all of us can afford to constantly run Generators for hours, and those who do, feel the pinch in their pockets at the end of the month when the alerts roll in.

Okay fine! I give him Kudos for his constant road Constructions in some remote villages but I believe we deserve alot more.

For a Country that has so many raw materials, including Oil, we sure are doing a shitty job at keeping things together. Not only do we not have constant Electricity but the percentage of the Unemployed has sky-rocketed during the past year.

The Vanguard Newspaper claimed that lack of finance to pay for the supply of gas to power stations was responsible for the drastic drop in the electricity supply being currently experienced across the country. They also added that the fire incident and the destruction of pipeline by hoodlums escalates the situation.

"Nigerians are known for always doing the same thing and expecting different result. Well Albert Einstein called that 'Insanity'

We feel more comfortable being inside this box, we put ourselves. It is time to come out, think outside that box!

Shell are breaking grounds with their Renewable energy program.They believe the world will need much more energy to power homes and fuel transport for a growing population with rising living standards. But to counter climate change, energy must increasingly come from lower-carbon sources. Our know-how, technology and innovations are helping to deliver more, cleaner energy. Though this is a Work-In-Progress, it sure makes you look forward to a brighter, cleaner future.

Furthermore, with the non-ending soot problems we still face in Port-Harcourt, some companies should figure out a lasting solution to clear our atmosphere and hopefully prevent the inevitable Global Warming.

I urge everyone, to do their own little bit in making this Country better, you are never too young to make a difference. It starts only with a Step

What is your Vision for Nigeria?

This photo is Vincent Callebaut's 2050 Vision of Paris, this could be Nigeria if only we put in the work.

Yours Truly
Joey D damsel

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